
7 Gift Ideas for Downsizing Seniors

Note: This list consists of suggestions made independently by AACM staff members. We are not affiliated with any services or retailers mentioned in this post. Any questions about the products and services mentioned should be directed towards the responsible companies.

Picture this: you’re almost finished shopping for the holiday season. You still need to find the right thing for your parent, grandparent, or other senior in your life who is downsizing. They might be planning a move into a retirement community or simply want to make their home more comfortable while aging. Either way, how do you find a gift they’ll appreciate?

While sentimental gifts like photobooks seem like good enough gift choices, we know adults at retirement age and beyond are still engaged consumers who enjoy receiving something meaningful. If you’re still trying to get your gift shopping done, try our suggestions for what to put under the tree for downsizing and decluttering older adults:

Membership to an Older Adult Centre

Give a gift that lasts all year by signing them up for activities in the community, like at an Older Adult Centre. For instance, membership at the AACM grants access to a variety of affordable classes and programs, from gentle chair yoga to stimulating card games. Older adults at our Centre can try a new class, meet friends, and develop new memories all in one place! Click here to find out how to become a member with us.

Tickets to a Sports Game or a Live Performance

Getting out of the house and taking steps to avoid isolation are important at any age. If your older loved one is a sports fan, try taking them out to a Blue Jays game once the sun is shining again. If they love seeing theatre, look at upcoming performances from some of the great arts companies in the Greater Toronto Area. Quality time, and memories made going out together, is a great gift!

Gift a Subscription to a Service They Love

Apps and screen time are a fact of life for every generation in today’s technology-driven world. Make the most of it by signing your giftee up for an app or service that might just add joy to their life. A music lover would benefit from the convenience of a Spotify Premium subscription, and those who love entertainment from across the pond are sure to enjoy the selection on Britbox.

When In Doubt, Get a Gift Card

Once considered taboo and too impersonal for the gift-giving season, attitudes have changed around gift cards. Thanks to the convenience and autonomy it provides your loved one when shopping, they’re no longer considered controversial. Plus, with costs going up everywhere, your gift card will help someone enjoy a night out at the movies, or get that special piece of clothing they’re dreaming of. If you want to add a personal touch, include a small corresponding gift like chocolates.

Plan a Spa Day

Another great way to spend quality time together is to treat your loved one to a day of relaxation and gentle pampering together. These treatments aren’t just for ladies, either – regardless of gender, taking the time to relax and rejuvenate is a great way to spend the day. Take a look at this list for the most recommended spas in Mississauga!

Cozy Items Go a Long Way

Clutter-free gifting doesn’t have to mean completely giving up on physical goods – try giving items that your older loved ones will enjoy using. A comfy bathrobe or warm slippers are sure to please, or an absorbing book. A 2022 survey of 1,000 older adults revealed the majority enjoy receiving books as a gift.

Keep them Connected with a Tablet

Tablets are an overlooked device that put a lot of convenience into a small package. Being larger than a smartphone makes the screen easier to read for older eyes, and they’re more convenient to transport than a computer. Make sure to load apps your loved one can use to keep in touch with friends and family, and don’t forget about eBook apps so they can take as many books as they want with them anywhere they go!

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